
Here is the write up. I’m having trouble sending the photos by email as they are too big, so will put on a thumb drive for you.

Our customers often tell us they love Zahira’s crystals however do not have the confidence, knowledge or inspiration to embellish costumes and garments themselves. To help with this, Zahira Crystals run regular stoning workshops in both WA and NSW to show clients how to apply crystals like a professional. Over 1.5 hours you learn the secrets of patterning and how to apply your Zahira Crystals for that professional look. Bring something they would like to embellish and we will provide you with all the tools you need to get started. Since November 2019, we have run several workshops in WA and NSW with all generations attending, including dance mums, dance nans and dance daughters all coming along to learn a new skills. What a great way to spend quality time with family and friends!

Zahira Crystals also offers private workshops at dance studios which is a great way to get those dance troupe costumes stoned and finished. We also visit gymnastics clubs and synchronised ice skating and swimming teams to help them get their team’s costumes completed and give mums, dads and competitors the skills they need to embellish costumes themselves. The benefit of this is twofold: the costumes contain high quality Zahira crystals and the dance studios and clubs save time and money by doing it in-house.

The Zahira Crystals workshops are not limited to athletes however. Our workshops are perfect for anybody who wants to learn the tips and tricks of embellishment. Those involved in craft, art and design are encouraged to attend. Previous attendees have brought bags, belts, gym wear, shoes, t-shirts and sculptures along to embellish with Zahira crystals, just to name a few! Keep an eye on social media and our website for the next workshops or contact us to arrange a private workshop tailored for your needs.

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